Thursday, July 9, 2009

ஜெசுஸ் மிரச்லேஸ்

The Miracles of Jesus ChristNature Miracles Matt Mark Luke John
1. Stilling the Storm 8:23 4:35 8:22
2. Feeding the 5000 14:13 6:30 9:10 6:1
3. Walking on the Water 14:25 6:48 6:19
4. Feeding the 4000 15:32 8:1
5. Temple Tax in the Fish's Mouth 17:24
6. Withering the Fig Tree 21:18 11:12
7. Draught of Fish 5:1
8. Turning Water into Wine 2:1
9. Second Draught of Fish 21:1
Healing Miracles Matt Mark Luke John
General Healings
1. Cleansing of a Leper 8:2 1:40 5:12
2. Healing a Centurion's Servant 8:5 7:1
3. Healing Peter's Mother-in-law 8:14 1:30 4:38
4. Healing the Sick at evening 8:16 1:32 4:40
5. Healing a paralytic 9:2 2:3 5:18
6. Healing the Hemorrhaging woman 9:20 5:25 8:43
7. Healing Two Blind Men 9:27
8. Healing a Man's Withered Hand 12:9 3:1 6:6
9. Healing the Gentile Woman's Daughter 15:21 7:24
10. Healing the Epileptic Boy 17:14 9:17 9:38
11. Healing a Blind Men 20:30 10:46 18:35
12. Healing a Deaf Mute 7:31
13. Healing a Blind Man at Bethsaida 8:22
14. Healing the Infirm, Bent Woman 13:11
15. Healing the Man with Dropsy 14:1
16. Cleansing the Ten Lepers 17:11
17. Restoring a Servant's Ear 22:51
18. Healing the Nobleman's Son (of fever) 4:46
19. Healing an Infirm Man at Bethesda 5:1
20. Healing the Man born blind 9:1
1. Raising the Ruler's Daughter 9:18,23 5:22,35 8:40,49
2. Raising of a Widow's Son at Nain 7:11
3. Raising of Lazarus 11:43
Casting out Demons
1. Demons entering a herd of swine 8:28 5:1 8:26
2. Curing a Demon-possessed Mute 9:32
3. Casting Out an Unclean Spirit 1:23 4:33
4. Curing a Demon-possessed,
Blind and Mute man 12:22 11:14

Miracles are a basis for faith in Christ.

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